// artquake \\

Hollin Meadows hosted an Art and Music night this week, and Gracie and I swung by to take in some of the work of our students.  We started by visiting the cafeteria and listening to band, strings, and chorus students perform, and then moseyed down to the gym to visit the Gallery.

The space was cleverly transformed from a gym to a studio by our art teachers.



DSC_0010Grace loved showing off her work, including two pieces inspired by Georgia O’Keefe, poetry with abstract self-portraits a la Picasso, and another self-portrait created at the beginning of the year.




We finished our night by creating some art.  Kids could create Mother’s Day cards, pieces with cut paper and glue, or pencil sketches of leaves.  Gracie whipped up a Mother’s Day card for me, and then played at some pencil drawing.


DSC_0026It was a fun night of creativity.  It’s getting me inspired for what things we can create this summer.

p.s. No that’s not nail polish.  Googs smashed her finger in a door a few weeks ago, and it’s nasty!  We are looking forward to that nail regrowing, for sure.

pinterest challenge // coastin’

My first Pinterest Challenge!  One of my 35 goals for my 35th birthday is to complete 5 project from Pinterest, and here is my first one.  Holla!

The coasters I use now in my house are my roommates, and lord knows bachelors do not own coasters, so I decided to give this project a go from fellow fellow.

I started by ordering some inexpensive cork coasters from Amazon, and they arrived exactly as I had hoped.  Flat, with no edges.

DSC_0380I nabbed a white paint pen from Michael’s and got to work.  Some of them turned out pretty cool…


DSC_0384I was surprised that the paint pen was a little tricky to work with on the cork.  The cork disintegrated a little as you drew on it, so making clean lines was a little hard.  Also, you had to “tap down” to get more paint flowing on scrap paper, and then draw on the cork.  So then I had to keep dipping back into the pools on my scrap to get enough paint to draw anything.

DSC_0381I like the lettered one the best.  My plan is to flip the rejects and put initials of all the folks in our new family on the other side.  I ran out of time to give it a shot for this post, but I will post more when I get the finals finished!c