
DSC_5837 DSC_5845 DSC_5853 DSC_5855 DSC_5878 DSC_5882 DSC_5887 DSC_5890 DSC_5889We celebrated a lovely Easter weekend with Hub’s family, and I think I needed to go back to work to recover from the fun.  Gracie girl did some fancy egg dying and even laid out some carrots for the Easter Bunny.  She was so surprised to see them nibbled on the morning.  We went for a nice spring walk after hunting for eggs, and then started baking some fun Peep-inspired cupcakes for dessert.  I love photographing the mess that comes with baking.  The colors are always so vibrant, and getting the graphics of the packaging on ingredients makes the image so interesting.  Grace set a beautiful table for us, even with the piles of stuff from the kitchen in the corner.

Little progress has been made in the kitchen as we wait for our contractor to finish up a job and come knock ours out.  In the meantime, we just walk across sticky floors and try to keep the rest of the house together so we don’t feel like we are living in total chaos.  This will come to an end soon, right?